Are you social media geek? Do you spend a lot of time on Instagram,Facebook or Twitter? Well everyone does these days. Even if you’re not a frequent user of the social media, you must be aware of how massive the trend of hashtags are. You may have come across these hashtag terms a few of times. For eg #modellingagencies #ecommercephotography.
So what exactly is a Hashtag?
Well hashtags are used to streamline certain topics using specific keywords or phrases by clubbing them together, making it easier to find a follow streamlines where people are talking about the same topic. Although most of the times, hashtags are not used in the posts and the exposure received is quite low. Hashtags are a powerful tool. If used properly, you posts can get a jackpot of exposure, likes, comments and even mentions. Here are few tips to enhance your post exposure and attract amazing amounts of engagements.
1. Check Trending Topics
Probably the simplest way to get your posts displayed in front of thousands and thousands of people. Once your post are up, people interested in the same topic can find you and can reach your posts. Putting the correct hashtag in respect to the theme of the posts will also help you get an amazing amount engagement. For eg. On Twitter, the ten most globally trending topics on the left sidebar of the website. Using these words or clubbing phrases similar to the topic gives a real chance to get your posts seen by a lot of people on the platform. These keywords are trending for reason. There are lots of people talking about the topic and eventually following the real time streamline. Also the trends differ from region to region and time to time so stay updated.
2. Take Advantage of Online Tools
These tools can be really helpful. These tools give you can insight on all the trending topics from region to region and the ones trending on a global level. you can search the hashtags and check how popular they are. Right on the front, you can see the topics that are trending in various categories. for eg., in the photography category, you may see #modellingphotography #productphotography or in business category, you may see #eventmanagement #corporateevents etc.
When you click on a hashtag, you get to see a 24 hour trend map and how many times the hashtags was used and showing when it was on its peak in the day.,
Trendsmap and Twubs are some of the online tools that you can use.
3. Overcrowding
Many users on the platform try to squeeze multiple hashtags in a single. The overcrowding of hashtags will make your posts look shambolic and over the place. Use as less hashtags as possible to make your post look clean. ALso using a lot of hashtags will have people thinking that you’re trying to spam them. Sometimes less is more. You can try putting up a similar post to try different hashtags a check results.
4. Being Humorous and descriptive
You’re already aware that you can put long phrases and also you cannot over populate them, you need to keep them small and simple. Keep in mind, keeping small and simple is not completely going to help. Being creative is the key. Try to add in some humor. Be funny! Also its equally important to stick to the point. Using keywords or phrases that are straight to the topic, circle around the trending topic and also includes humor tend to do really well.
Side note! Avoid using too many abbreviations in-order to save space. Too many abbreviations will make it unreadable and also it annoys a lot of readers. Proper spellings and grammars shouldn’t be ignored
5. Carry out Experiments
Activity on social media go through a series of peaks throughout the day. Try posting it between 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM or 10:00 PM to 12:00AM. The traffic is high at these time slots and your posts will do much better in terms of engagements. Social media is quite an unpredictable platform. Using one hashtag might fetch you lots of engagement and reach while the may not. Experimenting different hashtags and posting at different times will help you understand which hashtag and what are the best timings for better results
Well these were a few pointers on how your posts could benefit using hashtags. Hope these tips were helpful. Do let us know in the comments if we’ve missed any points. Thank you for reading.