The quickest way to acquire a link is to buy them. Most marketers find it interesting if income generated by good ranking covers the cost of purchasing links. So, if you think purchasing backlinks is beneficial, get into the facts first! It may seem easy to win dozens of backlinks by hiring SEO experts or by calling owners of Private Blog Network (PBN). You may even build group of profiles and add links to your website. Unfortunately, penalties or problems are still there! Here are some points you need to be aware of-
- In SEO, purchasing backlinks is against the rules: To improve website ranking, selling or buying any backlink breaches the guidelines of Google. Purchasing a backlink is unethical as for Google links are as votes and paying for votes is unethical. Because of this Google has initiated its forbidden link schemes:
- Purchasing or selling links that changes PageRank
- Too much link exchanges
- Guest posting campaigns with keyword rich anchor text
- Use of automated services to create links to your site
In short, any attempt to manipulate search engines is violation of guidelines.
- How marketers buy backlinks: Some SEO experts venture to improve visibility over the Internet and purchase backlinks from people who have created their own Private Blog Networks (PBNs). Such PBNs are made of domains that have been around for years. Google does not like it and only wants to index information useful to users as opposed to indexing pages that do more than hosting backlinks.
- Tricky stuff around purchasing backlinks: Webmasters, who have involved PBNs in their activity, aims to hide form nosy marketers on the web. Because of it, bots of companies like Majestic and Ahrefs cannot crawl to such sites. Google can take the site as shady if the site is blocking lot of crawling bots.
- Backlinks cost you: like any other services, PBNs are not free and depending on the reputation of PBN owner and discount coupon, the price may vary. There is no evidence that purchased links are live anymore and PBN owners even hide their site from crawling. Moreover, you will get a list of domains that shows you links with traffic flow (TF) and citation flow (CF) instead of pages containing backlinks. So, you will be operating with trust!
- Backlinks spin your content: It could be another reason to avoid PBNs and buying backlinks for SEO, as PBN webmasters create content just by spinning content on the web. Spinning or twisting content is the interest of blackhat enthusiasts, who use software to paraphrase it and avoid Google duplicate content penalties. The problem is that spinning software is not anywhere near perfect and creates spun content, which looks like a content written by child.
- Shortform content: Webmasters who host PBNs use shortfrom content and a backlink that you buy will often end up with an article containing 300-350 words. Remember that you will get much better SEO benefits with longerform content that backlinks rarely give you.
- It may cost you more: It takes a good amount of money, when you buy backlinks. In addition to that cost, you even pay more, when Google comes to know it. Do not forget that Google has been penalised tons of sites for buying backlinks. In order to fix this, reject use of spammy links from your digital marketing strategies.
- Google disvalues the backlinks instead of penalising: Google has started handling penalties differently than it has done till now. Earlier, Google used to penalise the sites, and webmasters, who were penalised had to reject the spammy links and they get back to their normal conditions again. Now, instead of penalising, Google disvalues the backlink itself. It is not like your site will be put under manual review for further improvement, but again you have to invest both your money and time.
- Google comes to when you purchase backlinks: Google has started seeing how things are linked to each other on the web. If it finds any irregularity in linking to common sites that sell backlinks, Google recognises it.
- Be ethical when link back to your website: It is totally ok, if you go with guest posting. Find someone, who does blogging and ask that person if you can guest post on his/her website. When you post something on some else’s website, it is obvious that you will link back to your own website and it is completely considered as one of the legal SEO factors. Just remember to keep backlinking natural. For example, if your guest post is about plumbing services, make sure to link back a part of your site relevant to plumbing services.
We are from THEJIGSAWSEO. If you want any service related to Digital Marketing then do contact us.