Link building is a very important skill in SEO practice that requires different skills such as good content, great skills for selling, programming, knowledge of psychology, and of course the methods of yesterday’s marketing. All these factors clubbed together will help more and more people to link with your site, which means the possibility of more search engine traffic.
Analysts have found out that there are more than 1 million Google search results in the last year, which means that links impacted ranking more than any other factor on the Google search engine.
Google claimed to have backlink as one of the rankings signals the other two being content and Rank Brain, which implies links forms the foundation of Google’s algorithm.
1) Page Rank and high- authority links
Unlike Yahoo search, Google Search is based on how many people are linked to that particular page, which is popularly called a Page Rank algorithm. This is one of the best methods to determine the quality of the web page.A slight shift is now there in Google focus, which is now based on link quality and not the link quantity, which leads to the concept of high-quality links.
The authority of the page linking to your website matters more than any other factor because a link from higher authority page has significantly more ranking power than the link from low authority page. Although Google does not share Page Rank information publicly, you can check a proxy indicator of Page Rank through URL like Ahrefs.
Using these websites, you check out its URL rating in an instant.
2) Sitewide Authority
The link quality is also determined by the domain site wide authority; for example, nytimes.com has a much bigger impact than any other link from lesser known or unknown blogger.
Big links are difficult to obtain, but they are worth trying. Even the domain rating can be checked using Ahrefs site.
3) Link Position on the page
The links position on the page has a very crucial In playing its game play. The links are embedded in the piece of content they are more likely to help rank Your web page as compared to the links cached away in the footer or sidebar. So, let the links appear within the main body of the web page and the content rather than in the page footer.
4) Site’s relevance
The site’s authority and relevance matter a great when it comes to linking. It is better to get links from authority sites which are closely related to the content of your site rather than just embedding any high authority links that have no or very little relevance to your site and are present to rank alone.
5) Editorially placed links
Place quite a good weight to edit to plays flings; otherwise, the unnatural links are considered a violation of Google’s guidelines.
6) Link Co-Occurrences
Google likes usage of occurrence as a baby anchor text, which means that text around you a link should also give a clue to what your page is about.
7) Linking the anchor text
Anchor text is that text section of your link on which you click. Google uses anchor text as a ranking signal. But building exact match anchor text links is certainly not desirable as they were tantamount of beings spammy. It is not desirable to follow building links with keywords rich anchor text, rather getting a link with your keywords in the anchor text is quite desirable.
8) Guest post are welcome from the backlink prospects, but there are certain don’t respect such as if someone is paid to publish the post, you post the content on the site which is completely unrelated to yours, the site exists only for publishing guest post or the post contains exact match anchor text which means it has been created for ranking purpose alone. If you link well-curated blog or guest post on authoritative and relevant site, it can help rank your link better.
The biggest problem faced by today’s link building project is, it is not building the connection between the goals of the links and the goals of the company which is usually to increase the sales, leads and advertisement views.
So link building realignment becomes very important for any business’s success. Link building should be in perfect coordination with the content of the website and should result in increasing the web traffic or sales focusing on metric benchmarks.
Methodology for link building
The best link building practice should be in integration and coordination with the content strategy of the business house that it uses for SEO purpose. Even if a business outsources link building, there should be communication between the link building and content strategy. Link building is a practice that helps the content to gain attitude and score high on the search engines.
Linking with creating awareness
It has been found out that when the link building strategy of a business house broadens, it focuses on building awareness through the content rather than using the links for the traffic generation purpose alone, by placing the links naturally.
Gone are the days when Page Rank did link building to the homepage used to suffice and the rest of the job. Today links building is very imperative for pages to stand and fall. More are the links received by an individual page greater is the importance attached to that page.
Google Ranking
So it can be correctly stated that link building / creating awareness and content creation should work in perfect harmony because the methodology adopted by Google for ranking pages is based upon how relevant the content is to its users.
There are several benefits of increasing traffic and creating brand awareness through link building, such as getting links from another website will increase the web traffic by sending more visitors to your website. Gaining links means the website gets additional exposure and if it is with higher authority sites, then your content is likely to reach a lot of people.
Since links are synonymous to trust and value to the brand, search engines would also boost your brand if other trustworthy sites are linking on your web page.
It is not the content quality that can help to earn links but actually how much the content has been able to create the awareness and relationship among people that boost the sharing of the content through people. A web page can acquire multiple links from the relevant website and become an authoritative site for a topic only if it’s user find it relevant and worth sharing.