In this article, I will discuss the various options you can go about choosing from for making marketing videos for the digital media.
Building a brand and its story
Building a brand will always begin with building a story of your brand. This will be how the people will look at your brand. There are certain ways in which we remember particular brands. Like elder people tend to remember the Bajaj scooter with the old advertisement that came on the television. In the same fashion, a story of how your brand came into existence and what it works towards can be a compelling story to remember.
Fabindia printed a book a few years back that talks about the culture of the brand in our country. Similarly, you tend to remember the tea plantations from certain specific parts of the country when you think of certain brands of tea.
Small stories of people associated with your brand
People always like to relate their lives to others. So if you can get loyal customers to talk great about their experience with the brand, it will be a great encouragement to the new customers. Remember how Dove talks about the ‘Dove 7 day challenge’ in its advertisements?This need not be limited to just customers. You can also get the employees or workers who are linked with the brand to talk about their experience with the brand or the in general process of manufacturing. This information coming from the workers feels quite engaging to watch. Big Basket once their own farmer to feature in an advertisement and talk about his experience.
The social impact of your brand
Giving a social touch to your video is one of the most novel ways to make a video. You are not only appreciated for the content but also remembered for giving out a message. There are many brands which deal with the health and wellness sector and also sports brands that make the most of such opportunities.You can also use the current affairs as a theme in your videos. The best way around would be to somehow link the social work that your brand does with the brand and make a good video out of it. This will not only help you make a brand name but also get more and more to connect with you to make a social impact.
Educational or how-to videos
There will always be a list of upcoming and trending things in the sector your brand works. If you want to move a step further, you can explore these new things and make videos that talk about these. For example, a company that works with sports equipment can make videos that talk about training tips or scientific tips related to working out.
Demos of the products
Lastly, to put your product out there, try making demo videos. Demo videos primarily help the customers who have already bought the goods. Apart from that, these will also show the potential customers how good your product is natural.