While previous generations may have claimed stability and office jobs that would assure regular pay, recent times have seen an increase in the number of people opting out of corporate jobs and aiming, instead, for freelance work. This may seem surprising and downright reckless to anyone who has grown up with the mentality of stable pay and its importance. The argument in favour of freelancing remains controversial, with many questioning why anyone would want to live a life of uncertainty with ‘odd jobs’. The defence here is simple, and we bring you the most used points in favour of freelance work.
- Flexibility: Freelancing gives people the core flexibility of deciding what and whom they wish to work for, with hardly any compulsions. This means that they can also identify numerous fields that they can pursue and work simultaneously. While this may seem a fundamental thing to consider, in today’s world, such freedom is craved and coveted. The freedom to work at their own will, and only during hours which they decide, can be very satisfying. Moreover, freelancing gets rid of the whole 9-5 mentality and the stress of having to answer to a boss, to superiors, to organizations, and follow specific rules and regulations. Freelancers are not tied down to using the same set of skills and the same practices continuously and can choose what they wish to do. It often happens that they may do a project in a particular field, say writing or designing, before taking up the next job in a completely different line. This sort of freedom is something that has never been seen in the corporate industry with its daily exhaustion and frustrations along with increasing work pressures and competition.
- Making connections: Because the freelance industry relies so much on forming contacts and connections, it is no surprise that most freelancers feel that their jobs tend to make them more active socially. Moreover, they have embraced the usage of all possible social media platforms and every outlet that the internet has to offer for marketing themselves and their work. Their reach is no longer restricted to simply their areas or countries but can branch out all over the world, all thanks to the communication channels they have developed. Moreover, this channel continues to increase as every client that they work for will refer them to others over a while. Also, since the freelancers communicate directly with the clients, the entire process becomes more personal and easy instead of going through numerous channels. There are fewer issues of miscommunication or distress from either side. Freelancers build up such a vast array of contacts over a while that it becomes easy for them to contact whomsoever they need for their own needs. Hence, it is easy to see that freelancers have begun creating their private networks and communities that go well beyond the scope that would be offered by corporate work.
- Work culture: It is not uncommon to hear most people complain that they are not satisfied with the work culture in the places they work. This may arise due to numerous reasons, ranging from the nature of their bosses, their work, the people they are surrounded by, the staff, the company policies, or simply the kind of setup they have. A freelancer is a step away from all these problems and can focus solely on their work, instead of paying attention to any of the controversies and issues that may arise due to their environment. There are no corporate laws that need to be followed, there is no fear of offending the boss, or breaking a regulation, and there is no thought process about how these actions may affect the people that they work with. They have the freedom to work alone, with others, in crowded places, in cafes, or co-working spaces. Their work can travel home with them, on any means of transport, without having to worry. The freelancer is their leader and critique, and they are answerable only to themselves. It is easy to understand why there has been a shift from the corporate world to such jobs.
We hope that this article has helped make you understand why freelancing is gaining prominence. Hopefully, you have also formed opinions based on the points mentioned above.