You would possess the best product in the market, but without any effective advertising, you can’t expect that anyone will know about it. In other sense, if you have launched a website on the Internet, it doesn’t mean that every Internet user will come and visit it. On the contrary, no one will even know whether it exists; if you wouldn’t be promoting any bit of it. There are several ways to advertise your website, but they cost you something. If you need to promote your website that is free of cost and doesn’t want to invest at an initial stage, so here I am listing down some promotional tips that you can follow to get your website listed at the top of the search engines.
1. Search Engine Listing: A simple way to generate traffic to your site is by listing it on search engines. If you continuously submit your new content to the search engine directories like Google, Yahoo, Safari, Bing and so on, then it can be listed. Most of the search engines provide you with these services for free. This is the primary thing that you need to do to while promoting your website.
2. Focus on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Whenever you form content for your website, then you need to know the viable SEO tools that will help you to prolong the website. You can take the help of Google keyword tool planner to guide you for finding the best appropriate keywords as per the niche of your website and its content. One pro tip: focus on long keywords than short keywords to rank for a broad keyword range. Try to use those keywords which have low competition but have a high search frequency that will help you to help your blog posts noticed. Using the right SEO plan will help you to promote your website freely. So, after you have selected your best possible keywords, make sure that you add it to the title, main content, and meta description and also to the images that you will include in the blog in the form of the picture title tag and the alt tag. Promoting your website through the help of SEO techniques is one of the best ways to gain natural traffic and reach a higher rank on Google’s search.
3. Social Media Marketing: The concept of social media has entirely changed the perspective and working of online marketing. Create your accounts on different social media platforms to interact with your targeted customers and promote your website to the maximum. Through this way, you will be able to create personal connections with your customers, and therefore, you can get instant feedback and responses from them through direct communication. Creating accounts on different platforms will help you to promote your business in different ways because they work in different dynamics to provide you various business promotional facilities and henceforth, promote your business to the right audience in a larger aspect. So, promoting your websites on different social media accounts is a good option to create your brand value. Also, you can use various social media marketing techniques to increase the reach on your account. Not only Facebook and Twitter provide you with business tools to promote your business but with that Pinterest and Instagram are also providing a lot of methods to the businesses to promote the websites.
4. E-Mail Marketing: Email marketing is an effective technique to drive traffic to your website. Through e-mail marketing, you can send notifications in form of e-mails to and get some visits and increased readability status but you need to keep this thing in mind that it is appropriately written and is creatively drafted.
5. Signature Branding: Create a signature for your brand image that will make people aware that how they should recognize your company. Create a unique signature for your email and social media accounts, direct messages, and forums that will allow you to include your website URL. This is the best way to make people recognise about your brand and motivate them to click on your URL and visit the website. Therefore, spend some time working on the same to make your brand easily recognisable and grabs your target customers’ attention. If you decide to add your website’s URL to direct messaging and other mobile promotion options then it is important to own a mobile-friendly website.