So you plan to take up digital marketing as a career option, here are few reason why digital marketing is a good choice.
1) Brand Positioning and Differentiation –
Your brand is a representation of the overall experience the company provides to its customers and not just restricted till the brand logo. It should be able to capture and portray the characteristics of the organization. Although many companies have their digital campaigns run on the basis of brand re-freshness or brand imagery, companies like Google and Starbucks have remained still.
Digital Marketing gives you the power to define and preset your brand however you like. Be transparent when it comes to brand promises because it is really essential to be wary in todays time where customers can evaluate or even scrutinize. You can no longer build a brand on false promises. The brand can only stand on his words unless a larger community supports the words.
2) Leveraging Communities –
Everyone is connected to each other on some or the other social media communities. Be it on social media sites like Facebook or adding a comment on a article, the limits of discussions and interactions are unknown. The segments that were once preferred by the traditional marketers have now been replaced by such communities. These communities are founded by the customers themselves who later define their reason behind joining the group.
In traditional marketing, the segment users were put into different groups based the marketers assumptions.
3) From the Four “P’s to the Four C’s” –
The four P’s- Product, price, place and promotions have been the focal point of the marketing departments, which is what traditional marketing offers, what to offer and how to offer to the customers. Everything has changed now. The focus is no more on the four P’s but now on the four C’s. There are different perceptions of the four C’s by various marketing experts. The four C’s are co-creation, currency, consumer and conversation.
The step of involving customers in the initial stage of product ideas, services, content and more, it is called as co-creation. The customers can customize and personalize the elements how they want it to be. Dynamic pricing, which is based on utilization capacity and demand has flexible pricing. Even though it is not something new, the usage of this method has grown in the digital age. Each and every company, big or small have been changing their prices depending on the location and many other things. The remaining C’s, that are consumers and conversions, both are an essential part of digital marketing.
4) Switching to Customer Care –
Customers are treated as a potential target or prospect even before the plan to make a purchase. Based on the model of traditional marketing model, the customer must be able to avail all the perks of the customer service once they make up their mind to buy the product.
Treating customers with care and concern has become simple via digital marketing. Customers expect the companies to listen, respond quickly and often follow through which benefits both ways. Working in harmony is the key to success and it is only possible when the companies take the initiative to make their customers be a part of their customer service process.
5) Wider Targeting and Mediums –
In traditional marketing, your hands are tied when it comes to reaching a particular audience or spread out reach to audiences around the world. You were able to separate different group of customers based on their job title, age, gender, location etc.
With Digital Marketing, the campaign helps reach more audience than you would have imagined. Your social media posts, videos, blogs or GIFs can go viral like an epidemic if the people love it and would love to spread it more. Also, negative content travels at the same pace on the online medium, so make sure you have plan ready to tackle the negative wave as soon it pops up.
Digital Marketing also provides a wide range of platforms compared to that of traditional marketing. With a few but major mediums of traditional marketing like Television, print, radio, etc, the thousand digital medium easily overpowers them. With so many options, potential leads can be fetched from anywhere just by spending little time. Some like to read while some like to watch videos, the options are endless.