Let’s start this blog with a question: Could you survive one day without opening your social media applications like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, etc.? Or how about a week? Could you do that? I think, most of us will be answering a big NO, and the ones who have the courage to say yes are either lying or are members of the previous generation who don’t depend on social media for their daily dose of entertainment. Nonetheless, this simple question conveys a huge and a deep message – how big an entity social media is today. For a lot of us, the very first thing we do after we wake up is check our phones to see the notifications. This is nothing wrong, it’s just how the times have changed.
The fact that social media is something big and influential, that millions of people use every single day, has led to it being an important factor for digital services and e-commerce companies. They need to rely on SMO for building their traffic and consumer base, in order to boost their sales and profits. What is SMO you may ask? SMO stands for social media optimization, a process that helps business to utilize social media for building up a firm consumer base. Read further to know more about SMO and SMO services.
SMO – What is it?
As it was mentioned above, SMO stands for Social Media Optimization. Though the name itself says what it means, it is not that simple.
In this new day and age, the digital world has witnessed a trend towards the various online social communities. Platforms like Facebook, Reddit, YouTube, WhatsApp, and several others have thrived and flourished with numerous user generated content. The term that is used to describe these socially-driven platforms or applications and the services they offer is known as “social media”. Social Media Optimization (SMO) is associated with internet marketing on these social media platforms by a smart method. SMO is designed in such a way that it largely increases and reduces the brand’s or company’s presence on social media as well as its cost of marketing and thus helps to increase their traffic. The main objective of SMO is to increase the brand or company awareness, to help the customers in the decision making process about buying any product or service, to provide services for after sales and to provide support as well.
Services Provided by SMO
The main benefit of SMO is the many services it can provide. Social media plays a crucial role in creating success for modern businesses and organizations. Thus, SMO services help to undertake this task and increase the profits and sales of businesses. Optimization of businesses through blogs, forums, social sites, communities, video submission, and so forth, are some of the main services of SMO that help to increase the traffic of a digital business.
Blogs – Blogs have become a very popular platform for people to share their opinions, thoughts, and also, to write about the products or services of a company or an organization. Blogs get a majority of their traffic from various search engines, which can be diverted to a website for marketing purposes. This can be done through SMO.
Forums – Forums are online discussion sites that provide people with a platform to freely discuss on any topic and communicate with a larger audience. Due to this, forums can become a highly-interactive type of marketing if it can be used in the right way through SMO. For consumers, a forum is a place to look for solutions or answers and for a marketer it is the perfect place to convince prospective consumers of their business.
Video Submissions – Due to the growth of social media, videos have also become crucial as it is the most preferred method of consuming content for most people today. Through SMO, marketers can submit videos to a number of social sites like Facebook and YouTube to get an opportunity to capture the attention of his targeted demographic and audience. These are the platforms where people go searching for videos and it’s a great way to gain more attention and promote your brand.
Benefits of SMO
As it can be understood from the services, SMO has quite the number of benefits: –
1) Brand Building – SMO services can create awareness about your brand, services, and products effectively, building your brand through social networking.
2) Cost-Friendly – SMO is an economically-friendly process, both in terms of money as well as a procedure compared to traditional marketing. It will save you more money than carrying out the traditional method of marketing your brand.
3) Better Ranking for Search Engines – SMO also provides a good bunch of back links to increase the ranking of your website among the top searches in search engines.
4) Immediate Turnaround – With the help of SMO, your brand will achieve an instant visibility in the popular social media platforms, which can be highly profitable in terms of advertising.
5) Targeting a Specific Audience – SMO also helps to target specific demographics and consumer groups based on their interests, age, location, gender, etc., which will ultimately benefit your business needs.